Our Story

How We Got Started

Having four boys and lots of toys! Several years ago after Christmas I was picking up the sea of toys that had taken over the living room after Santa's midnight visit.  There were literally toys everywhere and I was so frustrated with storage bins, fabric cubes and toy boxes when trying to organize the mess.  I thought... there had to be a better way to tame this chaos. But when I couldn't find a really good solution I decided to take matters into my own hands and that is when the Toy Tamer Bag was born.   


My Inspiration

Christmas inspires a new kind of toy storage


About the Founder

Kristi Mitchell is a business owner, college professor, but most importantly a mom to four amazing boys.  She launched Kids' Clutter Tamers in the hope that Toy Tamer Bags will enable children to better organize their toys and provide a little extra sanity in the busy, messy lives of fellow parents. She looks forward to continuing to expand the product line of Kids' Clutter Tamers with even more exciting products!

Play * Wonder * Grow * CLEAN UP * Repeat

Toy Tamer Bags in Action